For many first time buyers, extra costs can come as an unpleasant surprise during the moving process, and these charges continue to increase over the years. From stamp duty to home surveyor costs, we have broken down the different costs involved when buying your first home in the UK.


{{ cost_groups[selected_cost_group].name }}

{{ cost_groups[selected_cost_group].name }}

{{ }}
£{{ formatNumber(calculateCost(selected_cost_group, option_key)) }}

Total cost
£{{ formatNumber(total_cost) }}


Select options from the left to calculate the total cost of your move. Select options in the left menu to calculate the total cost of your move.

Change your location, house price or number of bedrooms here. Open the menu to change your location, house price or number of bedrooms.

Select i for any further information on specific costs and how they were calculated.

When you’re finished, click here to see the full breakdown and compare your personal moving cost to the rest of the UK.

Current basket

{{ cost_groups[cost_group].name }}
{{ nameSelectedCost(cost_group + ':' + selected_cost) }}
£{{ formatNumber(calculateSelectedCost(cost_group + ':' + selected_cost)) }}

The real cost of

buying your house in

{{ settings.location }}

£{{ formatNumber(total_cost) }}

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The real cost of

buying your house in

{{ settings.location }}

£{{ formatNumber(total_cost) }}

{{ selected_comparison_location }}

£{{ formatNumber(totalCostForLocation(selected_comparison_location)) }}

Buying your house in
{{ selected_comparison_location }} would be

{{ formatNumber((diffCosts(totalCostForLocation(selected_comparison_location), total_cost) / total_cost) * 100) }}% more expensive

{{ formatNumber((diffCosts(totalCostForLocation(selected_comparison_location), total_cost) / total_cost) * 100).replace('-', '') }}% cheaper

than {{ settings.location }}

Rest of UK

£{{ formatNumber(total_cost_rest_uk) }}

Buying your house in
the rest of the UK would be

{{ formatNumber((diffCosts(total_cost_rest_uk, total_cost) / total_cost) * 100) }}% more expensive

{{ formatNumber((diffCosts(total_cost_rest_uk, total_cost) / total_cost) * 100).replace('-', '') }}% cheaper

than {{ settings.location }}

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